Health and Safety responsibilities

Individual participants responsibilities under health and safety shall be;

  • to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and others involved in student activities;

  • to follow the Students’ Union’s systems and procedures for the management of health and safety, including but not limited to the Union’s Health and Safety Policy;

  • to follow the reasonable instructions of activity leaders/Captains/Chairs;

  • to wear suitable clothing and footwear for the activity.


Activity leaders/Captains/Chairs responsibilities under health and safety shall be;

  • to implement the Student Union’s systems and procedures for the management of health and safety.


First Aid

As outlined in the Activities Bye-Law, all sports, societies and networks should strive to have at least one qualified First Aider within their number. Winchester Student Union organises and subsidises a First Aid Course, which is ran in the first semester of each year. One member from each sport, society and network should attend. Wherever feasible this should be a 1st or 2nd year student.

Every Captain/Chair and/or activity leader, is responsible for insuring that adequate first aid provision is available at the location of activity. In any instance of first aid being given (even when given by another institution or individual) a record of that incident must be kept and passed to the Student Union as soon as is practicable by completing the online accident report form below.

