winchester students' union strategy


our mission

Student Led, Student Delivered. Students Empowered.

our vision

Winchester Students' Union will empower our membership through the creation of innovative and inclusive student led, student delivered opportunities, activities and representation. 


Our Goals

Creating communities for students to belong
Supporting students to flourish
Engaging and representing our students
We know our members; our members know us

Our Measures

The % of students who say the Students' Union helps them feel part of a community
Engagement levels in all Students' Union activities by number & satisfaction
Changes made by the University to improve student experience (As a result of Students' Union activity)
Levels of interaction with Student Union communications (both ways)

Our Priorities

  • Priority 1

    Building strong communities for our diverse student body to belong; championing equality.

  • Priority 2

    Combating loneliness and building citizenship and life skills through a framework of peer-to-peer support​.

  • Priority 3

    Empowering our student leaders and volunteers, through suitable skills development, and reward & recognition, to have the best experience in their role.

  • Priority 4

    Developing our physical and online presence including website and social media channels; be accessible, be where students are.

  • Priority 5

    Representing our members - ensuring authentic student voice is sought, heard and actioned at all​ levels within both the Students' Union and University​.

  • Priority 6

    Ensuring our members understand what we do and how to access our opportunities, services and support

  • Priority 7

    Seeking and providing great feedback to members on all aspects of our work​.

  • Priority 8

    Ensuring the Students' Union is focused on student priorities through effective insight gathering and campaigns​.

  • Priority 9

    Ensuring our members understand that spend in our commercial activity supports the whole Students' Union (as a not-for-profit organisation).

  • Priority 10

    Improving collaboration and partnerships with the University to achieve the best experience for students.