Managing your finances as a student can be challenging, but it's a crucial skill that will benefit you throughout your life. This page is designed to help you navigate the world of money management with ease and confidence. Whether you're looking to save for a big purchase, understand how to budget your monthly expenses, or simply want to make smarter financial decisions, we've got you covered.

Here, you'll find practical tips, helpful tools, and real-life advice tailored specifically for students. From creating a budget that works for you to finding ways to save money on everyday expenses, our goal is to empower you to take control of your finances and build a secure financial future.


Student Discounts


  • Boots/Superdrug - 10%
    • Using a Boots/Superdrug card
  • BodyShop - 20%
    • Through a Unidays code

Clothing and Footwear

  • Reebok - 35%
    • Through a Unidays code
  • Levis - 20%
    • Through a Unidays code
  • Quiz - 15%
    • Through a Unidays code
  • Topshop/Topman, Hollister, New Look, Calvin Klein - 10%
    • Through a Unidays code
  • Sports Direct, Nike, Footasylum, Schuh, Footlocker - 10%
    • Through a Unidays code


You can also use Student Discounts online too! The main providers, Totum, Unidays, Student Beans etc… are easy to apply for and can provide you with an in-person or online Student Card to show in stores, or a code to use in a variety of online stores – they’re worth signing up for!